Restaurants and Cafes

The significance of pest management in cafes and restaurants!

Food hygiene and food safety in cafes and restaurants is one side of the coin. But the Food standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ)
regulatory standards prescribes that dependable pest control and pest management services should also be engaged in.
This is critical to the running of any restaurant or café.

What comes under restaurant pest control service?

Our trained, certified pest technician follow the industry-specified standards.We are equipped with the latest pest control measures that are applicable to restaurants and cafés.

  • Our restaurant pest control measures include:
  • A detailed pest inspection in the premises
  • A customised pest treatment approach
  • Completely safe, affordable pest control measures
  • Preventive pest management solutions

The common pest found in cafes or restaurants include- ants, rodents, rats, flies and cockroaches.

For a comprehensive pest management solution for your cafe, or restaurant,
contact Allrid Pests on 02 8809 7945 or 0414 46 7981. Or email us at

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